What Is The Sandbox Hub?

The Sandbox Hub at the Institute for Applied Creativity is a space for faculty and students to join in creative efforts across schools and disciplines, especially focusing on the early stages of new works. The Sandbox Hub provides infrastructure for students and faculty to workshop nascent ideas, create new connections, find resources to advance their projects and learn about other multidisciplinary activities, strengthening the interdisciplinary and interarts culture on campus.

What Activities Are Involved?

  • Sandbox Workshops in the Black Box Theater: Once in October and twice in the spring, the Institute for Applied Creativity will host a four-hour Sandbox Workshop where ongoing productions can practice, present and perform for feedback. Students working on projects in class or on their own can sign up for a slot via this form. The workshops can include any kind of presentation, from a fashion display in a class project to a full performance. 
  • Featured events: The Sandbox Hub will promote and champion events that are already happening where students and faculty might experience interdisciplinary or interarts projects in action. 
  • Course connections for project advancement: For any projects or collaborations that may require additional work, mentorship and development, The Sandbox Hub suggests MUSC 330 (Music Performance Project course) which will be offered in spring semesters by Dr. Lynn Vartan. In this course, individuals or groups can continue to develop their projects, develop grant materials for funding, or transition works from in-progress to more finalized performances. It’s a great way to continue work development over the course of the year, rather than letting it stop after a semester.

For more information, please email Dr. Matthew Campbell (m.a.campbell@tamu.edu), Dr. Lynn Vartan (vartan@tamu.edu) or Dr. Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo (hwaryoung@tamu.edu).