Research Labs 

Learning Interactive Visualization Experience Lab (LIVE Lab)

Faculty lead: Aaron Thibault

The Learning Interactive Visualization Experience Lab explores the incorporation of game technology and methodologies into the classroom experience and within educational research. The LIVE Lab collaborates with other departments, colleges, and universities to foster the research and development of educational experiences. Their research impacts education in K-12, higher education, corporations, governments, and NGO’s.


Soft Interaction Lab

Faculty lead: Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo

Soft Interaction Lab

VIVID LAB: Visceral Intersensory Visualization and Information Design

Director: Ann McNamara

The thematic lab for Visceral Intersensory Visualization and Information Design (VIVID) develops new knowledge, resources, and community around the data visualization and information design areas of data science, encompassing research, education, and outreach. The lab’s goal is to exploit the potential of data visualization and information design. These fields, which aim to render complex data accessible, understandable, and consumable by the intended audience, are ripe for innovation and disruption. VIVID Lab is supported by the Texas A&M Institute for Data Science (TAMIDS).