Faculty Fellows

Mayet Andreassenmayeta@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Christine Bergeroncbergeron@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Susanneh Bieberbieber@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Anatol Bologanabologan@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Michael Brunermichaelbruner@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Emily Bujnochebujnoch@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Meg Cookmegcook@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Merli V. Guerramerli@exchange.tamu.edu College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Caleb Kicklighterckicklighter@pvfa.tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Jong-in Lee jongin@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Anne Quackenbushaquack@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Vanessa Reiservreiser@exchange.tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Jimin Rhimjrhim@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Dawna Schulddlschuld@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Wai Tongwtong@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Lynn Vartanvartan@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Tim Weaverweaver@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Dinesh Yadavyadavd@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Joel Zika jzika@tamu.eduCollege of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
Sora Keysora@tamu.eduCollege of Architecture
Michelle Pinemichellepine@tamu.eduVeterinary Integrative Biosciences
Laurie Charlescharles1@tamu.eduCollege of Nursing
Stacey Mitchellsamitchell@tamu.eduCollege of Nursing
Hector Ramoshreina@tamu.eduCollege of Education and Human Development

University Fellows

John Moellerjdmoeller@tamu.eduPerformance Studies

Community Fellows

Dary Degacontact@dagallery.usDegallery