FEATURED EVENTSBook Launch for ‘A Companion to Ingmar Bergman’
Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Queen Theatre, 110 S. Main St., Bryan.
Daniel Humphrey and two of the contributors to his anthology, “A Companion to Ingmar Bergman,” will discuss the project and the legacy of Ingmar Bergman from 6 to 6:50 p.m. A screening of Bergman's 1969 film, “EN PASSION (The Passion of Anna)” follows at 7 p.m.FEATURED EVENTSLASER Talk Series: 'What Can Artists Learn From a Dialogue With Machines?'March 26 at noon at Stark Galleries, Memorial Student Center.
The LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous) Talk Series features monthly interdisciplinary discussions presented by the Institute for Applied Creativity; College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts; and Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research.
The talk titled “What Can Artists Learn From a Dialogue With Machines?” features Joost Rekveld, an experimental media artist from Belgium.FEATURED EVENTSDonato Giancola: Career Development and Techniques in Narrative Image CreationMarch 28 at 1 p.m. by Zoom.
Zoom link
Students and faculty are invited to this Zoom with Donato Giancola, who is a professional artist specializing in science fiction, fantasy and imaginative realism.FEATURED EVENTSVoice Recital: Rebecca Hays with Robert Allen SaundersFriday at 7 p.m. at Rudder Forum.
This evening features guest artist Robert Allen Saunders, bass-baritone, with Rebecca Hays, soprano and associate professor of voice, in an evening of operatic and classical favorites.FEATURED EVENTSBook Launch for Mike Poblete’s ‘Student Agency in Devised Theatre Education’April 3 from 5 to 7 p.m. in LAAH 255.
This VMPC Speaker Series event celebrates the new book by Mike Poblete, instructional assistant professor. Based on two plays he created in Hawaii, the book argues that devised theatre is an effective educational tool in its ability to solicit student agency over a wide variety of environments, including online and Indigenous classrooms. The launch will feature a panel to discuss the intersection of devised theatre and contemporary student agency scholarship: Poblete; Dr. Marcia Montague from the College of Education and Human Development; and Dr. Dinesh Yadav, interdisciplinary researcher, educator and performance artist specializing in theatrical design.FEATURED EVENTSFaculty BiennialApril 3-May 18 at J. Wayne Stark Galleries in the Memorial Student Center. Opening reception April 3 at 5:30 p.m.
This exhibition celebrates creative works by faculty members in the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts.FEATURED EVENTSInteractive InflatablesApril 4 from 2 to 4 p.m. and April 11 from 2 to 6 p.m. at Langford C 206B (VIRL).
This event is part of the Institute for Applied Creativity’s new Emerging Creatives platform, designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among Texas A&M students. The two-day event is centered around inflatables — innovative, responsive structures that blend art, engineering and movement to create engaging and transformative experiences.
April 4: A technology demo and introduction to making interactive inflatables. Get hands-on experience with the tools, materials and methods used.
April 11: In the main event, participants will engage in designing, constructing and activating inflatables, and explore how inflatables can become responsive, performative and transformative environments through movement, air and digital interactivity.FEATURED EVENTSWorld Shakuhachi FestivalApril 17-20. Performances will take place at Rudder Theatre, Rudder Forum and the Black Box Theater in the Liberal Arts and Arts and Humanities Building. Workshops will take place in the Liberal Arts and Arts and Humanities Building.
More information
The College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts at Texas A&M University will host the eighth incarnation of the World Shakuhachi Festival.
An end-blown bamboo flute, the shakuhachi has become a much-loved and ubiquitous fixture in the world music scene over the last several decades. The festival will feature a diverse range of music from these genres in concerts, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, master classes and informal gatherings. Participants can learn from and experience the artistry of the most consummate shakuhachi artists in the world, and be inspired by the endless possibilities inherent in this simple bamboo flute.FEATURED EVENTSShun Lee Fong: Navigating and Sustaining a Creative CareerApril 22 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at LAAH 255.
Want to build a career in the creative arts? Shun Lee Fong, a lawyer turned film producer, musician and actor will discuss how creatives build and sustain careers. Shun Lee will share his insights as both a creative artist and the founder of The Greenhouse Arts and Media, an LA-based organization serving creatives in a variety of sectors of the entertainment industry.FEATURED EVENTSLASER Talk Series: 'How Can Scientists and Artists Partner to Enhance Conservation of Forests?'April 23 at noon at Stark Galleries, Memorial Student Center.
The LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous) Talk Series features monthly interdisciplinary discussions presented by the Institute for Applied Creativity; College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts; and Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research.
The talk titled “How Can Scientists and Artists Partner to Enhance Conservation of Forests?” features Nalini Nadkarni, forest ecologist and professor emeritus at the University of Utah.FEATURED EVENTSMaroon Steel Spring ConcertApril 30 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Black Box Theater, LAAH.
Catch the spring event by the steel pan ensemble.FEATURED EVENTSViz-a-GoGo 32Exhibition: April 30-May 2 in the Rudder Exhibition Hall
Viz-a-GoGo website
Research and Creative Works Symposium: May 2 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Rudder Forum
Screening: May 2 at 7 p.m. at Rudder Theatre.
See the best work created by Visualization students this semester with the annual exhibit, symposium and screening.