The Fellows in the Arts Program was created to recognize students who have demonstrated commitment to high-impact learning experiences, their own educational growth and a commitment to their academic program within the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts. Students who earn the Fellows in the Arts excellence award will have passed various academic; professional; and community, leadership and service engagements while enrolled at Texas A&M University. Additional Fellows who have shown significant work in the areas of arts in communities; interdisciplinary and collaboration; and research and creative works will also be recognized for their achievements and contributions.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

The Fellows in the Arts Program is open to any undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts who are in good academic standing (e.g. meet minimum GPA requirements) in their academic program.

Through participation in the Fellows program, students will:

  • Engage in purposeful, high-impact learning activities gaining skills, knowledge and competencies.
  • Examine and develop connections across art disciplines to build and create collaborative experiences.
  • Promote the arts within the university, local and wider communities.
  • Exhibit the skills necessary to investigate, apply and interpret new knowledge.
  • Explore, create, perform and display their work.

Benefits of Being a Fellow

  • Engage in deeper and more meaningful experiences within their art program, the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, the surrounding community and Texas A&M University.
  • Receive a medal recognizing you as a Fellow upon graduation.
  • Gain skills that are desirable by employers through various high-impact activities.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to your education through learning new skills, exploring new ideas, discovering diverse methodologies, collaboration, community engagement and leadership.
  • Focus on your leadership, academic, personal and professional development.
  • Build purposeful experiences as you work toward your own success.

What are the Requirements?

Students enrolled in the Fellows in the Arts Program need to complete 125 points to receive this recognition upon graduation. The Master Fellow in the Arts must have a total of 250 points and include points from all areas. Students have their entire academic career at Texas A&M to complete the requirements. Undergraduate students should be enrolled by their junior year to ensure time to complete activities in all areas and to input the information into the Canvas community portal. Graduate students should be enrolled by their first year. Upon completion, students will attend an awards ceremony in their final semester to receive their recognition indicating they have completed the requirements.

Students may earn one or more of the following recognitions:

  • Fellow in the Arts: 125 points
  • Arts in Communities: 125 points
  • Interdisciplinary Fellow in the Arts: 125 points
  • Scholarly and Creative Works Fellow in the Arts: 125 points
  • Master Fellow in the Arts: 250 points (encompasses all Fellow components)

Breakdown of Points

All Fellows should complete tasks in the following three main components: academic; professional; and community, leadership and service activities. Interdisciplinary; Scholarly and Creative Works; and Arts and Communities Fellows must accrue a minimum of 50 points in their main area with the remainder of their points coming from academic; professional; and community, leadership and service activities.

NOTE: For some activities, you may be able to receive points in more than one category. For example, if you lead a yearlong research project that is invited to present at a conference, and is published in a peer-reviewed journal, you will receive credit for each of these activities.

Documentation of Points

Fellows must provide documentation that they have completed an activity. Documentation could be confirmation emails, certificates of completion, pictures of you participating in an event, written statement from faculty, etc. We understand that it may be difficult to document some activities. In these cases, keep in mind that as an Aggie, you are held to the Aggie Code of Honor: 

An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.

Undergraduate students are able to apply to the program at any time through their junior year in order to complete the requirements of the program. Graduate students may apply to the program at any time in their first year in order to complete the requirements of the program. Students must apply for acceptance into the Fellows programs. Send application via email to John Abi-Najm at

Upon receiving the application, the student’s record will be reviewed (through Howdy) to ensure they meet program criteria (e.g. minimum GPA, undergraduate or graduate student status and enrollment in a College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts major). Students will receive a notification letter about their application status from the dean’s office.

If students agree to participate in the program, the student will receive a link to a participation agreement form.

Upon receiving the participation agreement form:

  • Students will be added to the Canvas community.
  • Students will be required to meet with the academic dean of the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts once they are enrolled in the program and once each academic year thereafter.
  • Students will submit 1-2 paragraph reflections after each activity is accomplished, along with proof of activity attendance/completion. Proof/verification of activities attendance/completion can include tickets, photographs, emails, contact information of their supervisor/supervising professor, etc.

At the completion of the program, students will submit a Final Personal Reflection (1-3 pages; 12pt font; Times New Roman; single spaced). Students will write a reflection of the Fellows program; the activities in general; their experiences in their major; the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts; and Texas A&M University as a whole.

If you have questions regarding the Fellow programs or the application process, please contact John Abi-Najm at

Undergraduate Application Graduate Application