Various crafted butterfiles hung by string

Butterfly Project

The Butterfly Project is part of the Q&A area where audiences come to decompress and process after the performance. Here they can read about the historical events during the Holocaust, talk with the choreographers, write comments and reflections on the writing wall, and participate in the Butterfly Project. Butterflies are a symbol of hope and one of the ways we can honor victims of the Holocaust. At the beginning of the evening, participants are asked to wear a colored circle as they walk through the guided experience. These colored circles represent the badges worn by prisoners in the camps which were used to isolate, harass and humiliate people. Audience members mark themselves with these badges and wear them throughout the performance. As they enter the Q&A area they learn what the badges mean and what their color represents. Audiences are invited to turn this circle of oppression into a symbol of hope through the butterfly project. Participants can draw on their circle or cut it into the shape of a butterfly and either take it with them as a way of remembering the experience or can add it to our wall of hope to them become part of the project and travel with us showing that hope continues to grow as we bond together.

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